Biovista signs EU-IMI2 research agreement to advance neurotoxicity de-risking in preclinical drug discovery

March 15, 2019Announcements

Biovista is pleased to announce the signature of a grant agreement within the remit of the EU’s Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI). Starting in March 2019, the 3.5 year “NeuroDeRisk” project aims to advance the industry’s ability to tackle three of the most challenging adverse effects: seizures, psychological/psychiatric changes, and peripheral neuropathies. Together with EFPIA members … Read More

New Vizit Bibliography pane

January 8, 2018Vizit Blog

New Year, new features added to Vizit! The Bibliography pane has been totally revamped: now when you click on a link, a drawer opens up from the right-hand side of the Vizit window with all the supporting bibliography for that link. There are three important changes to the functionality of the bibliography pane: All supporting … Read More

Share to Weibo added to Biovista Vizit

October 25, 2017Vizit Blog

We thought you’d like to know about the new exciting features of the latest release of Biovista Vizit, namely the addition of share to Weibo option and image export support. Biovista Vizit users can now post a graph directly to Sina Weibo. We hope that this new addition to Vizit will better serve our users … Read More