New Year, new features added to Vizit!

The Bibliography pane has been totally revamped: now when you click on a link, a drawer opens up from the right-hand side of the Vizit window with all the supporting bibliography for that link.

There are three important changes to the functionality of the bibliography pane:

  • All supporting bibliography is now shown for the selected link, sorted by Date (with most recent papers on top). Previous versions of Vizit displayed the latest 30 articles.
  • You can now click on the title of an article to  view the abstract  as well. The abstract view also includes all the  MeSH terms  for that article.
  • Both the title and abstract views display the actual link entities and their synonyms  highlighted in bold , to help you find them faster in the text.

Stay tuned for more additions to the Bibliography pane.

Enjoy the search!

The Biovista Vizit team