- Find a combination of drugs to treat a disease of interest
- Find a drug to combine with a given compound to address an unmet medical need
- Find a drug to combine with a given compound to help differentiate it from the competition
Many diseases are multi-factorial or manifest as co-morbidities and currently have to be treated by more than one drug. Patients too, suffering from diseases such as cancer, hypertension and infectious diseases often develop resistance to their first-line regimen.
Combination drugs are one approach used by pharmaceutical companies to address these challenges. Fixed-dose combinations in particular, may provide significant advantages over high-dose monotherapy, including enhanced therapeutic efficacy and reduced risk of drug resistance.
Combination drugs are also interesting for generics companies looking to develop assets with better IP protection or differentiation from competing therapies.
How we can help
Biovista B2B Personalized Medicine service can help you:
- Find a drug to combine with one of your existing compounds, to effectively treat a disease of interest or multiple diseases
- Find a combination of any two drugs to treat a disease of interest or multiple diseases
- Combine an existing drug targeted at a disease with another, to provide differentiation from the competition in that disease
- Extend the market life of a marketed drug
How we work
Biovista’s systematic discovery COSS™ platform supports our teams of biologists, medical doctors, and IP experts in creating multi-dimensional profiles of drug combinations of two or more individual drugs. These profiles can be assessed both in terms of their expected efficiency in a disease of interest and in terms of potential adverse drug interactions with each other. We generate a robust Mechanism-of-Action rationale to optimize the therapeutic effect of the combination by identifying synergistic drug interactions and/or to minimize the adverse drug events by selecting combinations with antagonistic adverse event profile
We work with your team, using where appropriate your in-house data (pharmacodynamic, pharmacokinetic, target specificity, target binding site, etc) to evaluate and rank high value opportunities generated by our platform. Opportunities are evaluated on multiple levels including:
- Strong, multi-level Mechanism-of-Action rationale
- Docking and Molecular dynamics profiling
- IP and Freedom to Operate (FTO) potential
- Highly targeted and optimized pre-clinical in vitro/vivo testing
Why Biovista
Biovista B2B Personalized Medicine service offers a number of distinct advantages:
- Proven track record – we have partnered with some of the largest stakeholders in the space, in a variety of applications
- Speed – we deliver results in as little as 2-3 months
- Turnkey solution to PoC, PhI or PhII clinical trials stage
- We can help optimize the therapeutic effect and/or the adverse event profile of the combination
- Flexibility – we can address a variety of drug development objectives; we can modulate the “inventive step” selecting new uses for your drug that are closer to current knowledge or more innovative
- Low cost – with a 75%+ success rate1 in pre-clinical animal model testing, our path to PoC in man and Phase IIa is highly focused and efficient in the use of resources
- Repeatability – high success rate and efficient resource usage means our B2B Personalized Medicine service can be used on a systematic basis for strategic compound- and portfolio-level decision making
For more information
To find out more information on our B2B Personalized Medicine service and how we can help you get more from your portfolio, contact us or send an email directly to ps{at}biovista.com.