Every drug deserves a second chance

September 1, 2011Biovista Articles

Guest Commentary in Drug Discovery News (DDN) by Andreas Persidis September 2011 After many years of talking about it, the patent cliff is finally with us in a big way. Starting with Pfizer’s Lipitor this coming November, Big Pharma is projected to lose more than $60 billion in the next five to six years from … Read More

Undercover COSS

June 8, 2011Biovista Articles

Biovista’s drug safety search aids clinical outcomes. Interview to Bio-IT World By Kevin Davies June 8, 2011 | Biovista began as a hobby,” admits the company’s eloquent president, Aris Persidis. But after “dabbling” with the firm for a few years, Persidis incorporated the company in the United States in 2005. Headquartered in Charlottesville, Virginia, Biovista … Read More

The benefits of drug repositioning

May 15, 2011Biovista Articles

Guest Commentary in Drug Discovery World (DDW) by Aris Persidis, Biovista’s President Spring 2011 Drugs in development, on the market, or those that are shelved because of lack of efficacy, are excellent starting points for further development. Finding new indications for such drugs will benefit patients who will see a potential new therapy sooner, will … Read More

Drug Repositioning podcast

March 10, 2011Biovista Articles, Multimedia

Drug repositioning as a viable business strategy. Biovista’s President A. Persidis interview to GEN’s editor in chief, John Sterling. “Prompted by the need to refurbish their pipelines at lower costs and to drive and sustain future profits, drug companies have turned to drug repositioning, or repurposing, as a means of drug rediscovery. The process of … Read More

Biovista’s Unusual Brand of In Silico Drug Discovery

May 14, 2009Biovista Articles

Interview of Aris Persidis to Bio-IT World’s John Russell May 14, 2009 | It’s interesting what crops up in company executive profiles. Aris Persidis is an accomplished bio-entrepreneur and the co-founder of Biovista along with his brother Andreas Persidis. Aris’s company profile includes the usual details—Cellzome co-founder, Ph.D. from Cambridge University in biochemistry, etc.—but the very last … Read More