Biovista announces that its President, Dr. Aris Persidis, will participate in the “VA BIOTECH – Concept to Commercialization” Facebook event.

About VA BIOTECH – Concept to Commercialization event:

Charlottesville is home to some of the most cutting edge biotechnology firms in the Country. This panel, presented in partnership with U.Va. Innovation and Charlottesville Business Innovation Council (CBIC), explores insights from these innovators and entrepreneurs and offers lessons learned in the entrepreneurial and biotech mine fields. Attendees might be able to avoid some of the pitfalls they’ve experienced.

All startups face enormous hurdles ensuring their innovation reaches its intended destination: the consumer. This session is ideal for anyone curious about how one moves a great idea from their mind to the marketplace, whether developed outside of or within the walls of an academic institution such as U.Va.