Biovista announced today the launch of an R&D project aimed at creating a literature-based discovery (LBD) tool to assist in early stage drug design.
Launched as part of the work carried out within the Esperonto consortium, the project aims to develop core technologies required for the creation of an effective LBD system. The company will initially focus on technologies such as ontology-based representation of concepts relating to human pathogenesis, active ingredient and other compound properties, co-occurrence analysis, context representation and link discovery.
“This is an interesting project we are pursuing that we expect will result in a number of useful technical capabilities that we could integrate in future versions of existing or new products under development” said Dr. C. Andronis, Manager Bioinformatics Applications of Biovista.
The project which began in August 2002 has an initial duration of 30 months. Additional information can be found at the company’s web site Research section.
Biovista® is a corporate intelligence and data mining company specializing in the delivery of products and services in biotechnology, for market evaluation, strategic analysis and M&A purposes. With clients in N. America, Europe and Asia, Biovista® has a presence in all geographic locations where world-class biotechnology R&D and business are conducted. Biovista finances its own research into active and developing sectors of biotechnology, and in addition to custom client-driven projects, it publishes the IRCD™ (Industry Review & Company Database), Datasheet™ and Knowledge Block™ series of products. The Company is also actively engaged in the development of advanced internet-based data mining applications. For further information, visit the Company’s web site at