Mechanistic analysis of Atorvastatin

June 19, 2020COVID-19, Vizit Graphs

Repositioning of Atorvastatin for the treatment of COVID-19. Statins such as Atorvastatin are potent cholesterol-lowering drugs that are tested against COVID-19. Statins could be proven beneficial particularly against SARS-CoV-2-induced cardiovascular manifestations. Explore the live graph.

ACE2, TMPRSS2, Acute Lung Injury, ARDS, and Lung Fibrosis

June 19, 2020COVID-19, Vizit Graphs

The graph visualizes the relationships between genes ACE2 and TMPRSS2 and specific manifestations of COVID-19, such as Acute Lung Injury, ARDS and Lung Fibrosis through a network of specific biological entities such as Cell Types, Pathways and Anatomical Locations that are likely implicated in the pathogenesis of these disease symptoms. Explore the live graph.